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Vitamin MePA Testimonials

Heart Disease

by Gerald Aardsma; February 23, 2018

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and around the world.

Once it has been accepted as fact that humans are capable of living in excess of 900 years, and once it has been accepted as fact that humans today die long before 900 years because they are being killed by vitamin MePA deficiency disease, then it logically follows that vitamin MePA must be able to prevent heart disease. This is just another way of saying that vitamin MePA must play a role in the maintenance and repair of the heart.

My elderly mother's experience was the first to suggest that vitamin MePA may indeed fulfill this expectation. This came about as a result of accidentally running out of her heart medication (for cardiac arrhythmia) when she had to change doctors following a move from one state to another. She had been taking Dr. Aardsma's Vitamin MePA Dietary Supplement for two months at that point. Mom wrote:

The heart medicine [Flecainide] was stopped [ran out] four days ago, and I seem to be doing OK.

My brother, Allen, into whose home Mom had moved, wrote over a week later:

We were finally able to get Mom's papers transferred from NH to NY, several days ago—after many phone calls over the past few weeks to attempt to speed the process. About a week after the transfer occurred, the clinic called us to set up a new patient appointment. The earliest appointment they could give us was for January 30! When I expressed my concern that Mom should be seen right away so her new doctors could assess her health and re-prescribe the heart medicine she had recently run out of, I was told that I could take her to an urgent care, if I needed to do so!

So, Mom has not been taking her heart medicine prescription for about two weeks, now. And, frankly, she has seemed to be getting along perfectly well without it: ambulatory, happy, busy, comfortable, etc. I plan to ask her the medicine's name, today, and research what it is for. I will also try—again—to get a prescription for it approved, but, being a Saturday, I doubt I'll make much headway.

A further hint that vitamin MePA might be mending heart tissues came from Allen himself, who has suffered from heart palpitations for some years. After he had been taking Dr. Aardsma's Vitamin MePA Dietary Supplement for five months he wrote:

I haven't had any heart trouble [fast beating] for quite a long time, but I am more careful about bending over too quickly, and I am being careful to maintain a much more positive attitude.

These hints now seem to be strongly corroborated by a recent testimonial by Gigi.

Gigi is 60 years old. She is one of a small number of early testers of Dr. Aardsma's Vitamin MePA Dietary Supplement. She is the only individual having a life-threatening heart condition in this test group. The following is an excerpt from her full testimonial found here.

… The Left Bundle Branch Block (causing the two sides of my heart to beat out of sync with each other) slowly caused my heart to fail.

In November 2013, my doctors began to continuously monitor and medically treat my heart, when it was found that my heart's Ejection Fraction (EF) had declined to around 10-15%. The range for normal EF is between 60-70%. Three months later, in February 2014, when my heart's EF was alarmingly found to be at 5%, a Bi-Valve Pacemaker with a defibrillator was surgically implanted. After that, it took 2 years, to February 2016, before my heart's EF came back up to the low end of the normal range, to 50%. Then, two months later, in April of 2016 I had 2 V-Fibs [ventricular fibrillation: a life-threatening cardiac rhythm disturbance] within 24 hours. The second one would have taken me permanently, if not for the defibrillator in my heart bringing me back.

After this incident, my heart's EF declined over the next 8 months (by December 2016) to 30%, back down solidly into heart failure range. The Heart Failure Specialist told me that my heart was quite damaged from the V-Fibs and would not recover and improve. They tested my heart chamber pressures, fearing I needed an immediate evaluation for a heart transplant. Miraculously, my heart pressures were acceptable. So the plan then was to wait and see how long my heart could hold up before it declined enough to warrant a transplant. I was to continue to take my prescribed meds and come in every 2–3 months. The fatigue was overwhelming. I was continually exhausted, even though I was now sleeping anywhere from 10 to 16 hrs most nights. And, it only seemed to be getting worse.

Enter Vitamin MePA

In August of 2017, I found out about MePA. I was told a limited number of volunteers were sought for help in quantifying the effects of this recently discovered and 2 year tested substance. My first thought was, "I am in such bad shape, what do I have to lose?" There did not seem to be any discernible negative side-effects. I went into this with no expectations, except perhaps to be able to provide some data.

I bought a Fitbit Charge 2 so that I could track my problematic sleep and see if there would be any quantifiable changes. Sleep duration and it's quality seemed to be affected, in a positive way, for anyone who had taken MePA thus far. Also, I thought if I had positive results, the Fitbit might be able to give Dr. Aardsma some quantifiable information as to what the MePA was actually affecting. In setting the Fitbit up, the default parameter for optimum sleep hours was set at 8. I reset it to 10 hours per night, knowing that that was the minimum I had slept for the last 1 1/2 years.


About 1 1/2 months after starting MePA, I began to notice a change, for the better, in my sleep quality and duration. I felt much more rested and was rarely sleeping more than 9 hours. So I reset my Fitbit's sleep goal to 9 hours. By the end of November, another 1 1/2 months later, I was rarely sleeping more than 8 hours. So, once again, I reset my Fitbit's sleep goal, this time to 8 hours. All this time, I was feeling much more rested and had so much more energy during the day. I thought, "Surely my ejection fraction (EF) has improved!"

The Echo from the previous year had shown that my heart was definitely following the path toward total heart failure. My left ventricle was significantly enlarged as was my left atrium. The right atrium was moderately enlarged. All that was left was to wait for my right ventricle to enlarge, and then it would be time for a heart transplant. I repeatedly asked of my Cardiologists, over the next few months, if the heart enlargement could backtrack. Each time I was told no, too much damage. Their plan was to see how long they could hold me at this point and keep me stable. In mid November 2017, another Echo-Cardiogram was performed to check the condition of my heart and it's current EF. The results were surprising and tantalizing.

First of all, the left ventricle was still significantly enlarged. However, the left atrium was only mildly enlarged!? That meant the heart failure was indeed backtracking and my heart was healing. The right side of my heart was difficult to visualize this time, so no information was known about my right atrium. But, it would be safe to assume that it also was decreased in size based on the progression/regression of heart failure. The most surprising result of all, based on my decreased need for sleep and my surging energy, was that my heart's ejection fraction was still the same as the previous year! It made no logical or medical sense! I can only attribute it all to MePA. At my Cardiologist appointment in December, my protocol was switched from keeping me stable for as long as possible before a heart transplant, to putting me on some new meds that should help to heal my heart further and hopefully move me further away from the heart transplant route.


This first test of the vitamin's activity against heart failure appears to be enormously significant. It further demonstrates that vitamin MePA is the anti-aging vitamin it claims to be, and it opens the door to the possibility of a low-cost, non-invasive route to remediation of heart disease.

(Note that anyone can now obtain and use Dr. Aardsma's Vitamin MePA Dietary Supplement. Click on the "Buy Vitamin MePA" button in the banner at the top of this page for more information. Note also that testimonials are not limited to early testers of the vitamin. If you are a user of Dr. Aardsma's Vitamin MePA Dietary Supplement, we would love to hear from you.)

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